P.R.I.S.M. The long far ago from Ancient Greeks Archimedes (III b.c.) and Platon (VIV b.c.) point is a Universe upheaval symbol. World began from point, write religious books. When we make point, we are ready to great difficulty to recreate environment. Frenchmans Dekart R. (XVII) Condillac E. B. (XVIII) was build coordinat`s system, which are hold eternal object. Englishman Newton I. (XVIIXVIII) was formulate inertial count`s system. Today we are know 3`rd Newtons`s law and system from 0-X, 0-Y and 0-Z axles. Episcop Berkeley J. (XVIIXVIII) was present ideal world without doubters and atheists. He was describe belief`s world at positions during converses. Engineer Sadi-Carno N. L. (XVIIIXIX) was describe technical environment as creation synthetic conditions for reproducing definite natural process (HTTP://EvgenySaakov.Ru/Design/Articles/Engineering-Thinking.HTM). Marx K. and Engels F. (XIX) was select from historical process artificial structure formation. One approach time, are catch by space, another approach space, are strengthen in time. Moscow`s Methodology`s Circle`s (XXXXI) members was carry out «Triple of belts`s scheme» (HTTP://PRISS-Laboratory.net.Ru/S.C.H.E.M.E.S.-/Museum-Schemes_22.HTM). There are belts Thinking, Think-communication and Think-activity at vertical and at pair off positions at horisontal. The purport are rear by five stages. First stage is «alias way», second stage «alias perfect in time», third stage «plint», fourth stage «time of continuous» and fifth stage «time alias». Gathered, it is a system «Thing Present Spirit». At casual occurrence we shall in communication, without stages`s orders. When we are turn first belts, we may work in «Spirit Present Thing» approach. We shall mark commentaries, after shall stand time markers, and we shall present materials aliases and material`s border`s for «alias way» stage. |