Curierova G. G. «Italian design model. Project-founding conceptions century XX second half» ProMeta.Ru/Colleague/... Some time for mountain horisont line with Book form Inventure; Otstavnov M. E. «Of seat «Mark» in edication», «Epistolar janre epistemology problematic» Essay STD epistemology 2th seminar, STD epistemology and inventure, Ulianovsk, y.1992; Lefebre V. A. «Conflicting Structures», M.: Radio, y.1967; in Science Library by Ulianovsk Obvod H. B.324170, 321640; |
Doobrovsky V. J. «Schedrovitsky G. P. vocation ontology» PRISS-laboratory.Ru/...;
HTTP://FoundGP.Ru/...; Litvinov V. P. «Schedrovitsky G. P. Humanitarian Philosophy» Text discourse Сh. 1.3. «Language Linguistic Myth Deconstruction» (FoundGP.Ru/Books/...); Saakov V. V. «Environment Continue and Processualy Analise» ch... Picture Dissertation (PRISS-laboratory.Ru); Schedrovitsky G. P. «Knowlege syntes: problems and methods» ch. 2 Knowlege subject and obgect destinguesh (Circle.Ru/...); |
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Environment are continum and process. Idea arches intermeadely signs, texts and schemes was project Re-created from P.R.I.S.S.-laboratory. A Culture hyper languages translating from over above English tense verb object ands association Russian as case subject are translate from Polylogos (firstable Dialectical) space. Language is equvalent Langue (human word) with Mark Point (manifestation sign) and Parole (discourse), Leetvinov 2008: 49. Altogethering, the motion are fade in a time distributed material. There are essential instrument for designate of semiotic arches between time-distributed material and space-concentrate form. It may to permission the arches operative editing. The operative and interactive events refreshign mechanism may be fondaments at organisation structure as is a text cycling. |
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