Environment`s Scheme ® PRISS-Laboratory
   The long far ago – from Ancient Greeks Archimedes (III b.c.) and Platon (V–IV b.c.) – point is a Universe upheaval symbol. World began from point, – write religious books. When we make point, we are ready to great difficulty to recreate environment.
   Frenchmans Dekart R. (XVII) Condillac E. B. (XVIII) was build coordinat`s system, which are hold eternal object. Englishman Newton I. (XVII–XVIII) was formulate inertial count`s system. Today we are know 3`rd Newtons`s law and system from 0-X, 0-Y and 0-Z axles. Episcop Berkeley J. (XVII–XVIII) was present ideal world – without doubters and atheists. He was describe belief`s world at positions during converses.
   Engineer Sadi-Carno N. L. (XVIII–XIX) was describe technical environment as creation synthetic conditions for reproducing definite natural process (HTTP://EvgenySaakov.Ru/Design/Articles/Engineering-Thinking.HTM). Marx K. and Engels F. (XIX) was select from historical process artificial structure – formation. One approach – time, are catch by space, another approach – space, are strengthen in time.
   Moscow`s Methodology`s Circle`s (XX–XXI) members was carry out «Triple of belts`s scheme» (HTTP://PRISS-Laboratory.net.Ru/S.C.H.E.M.E.S.-/Museum-Schemes_22.HTM). There are belts Thinking, Think-communication and Think-activity at vertical and at pair off positions at horisontal.
   The purport are rear by five stages. First stage is «alias – way», second stage – «alias – perfect in time», third stage – «plint», fourth stage – «time of continuous» and fifth stage – «time – alias». Gathered, it is a system «Thing – Present – Spirit».
   At casual occurrence we shall in communication, without stages`s orders.
   When we are turn first belts, we may work in «Spirit – Present – Thing» approach. We shall mark commentaries, after shall stand time markers, and we shall present materials aliases and material`s border`s for «alias – way» stage.

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