Environment`s Scheme ® PRISS-Laboratory
   MMC`s langue is open to read by human and machine. Operator`s case are develop by free human`s text`s sign construction.
   Technical langue of MMC is position`s sensitive. Operators are significate combination signs type. New operators may be complete langue, if have not destroy language system.

   In human lettering sign comma is passer-by devide in matematic – we can`t devide by zero, we can`t say nothing by the direct discource.
   When we shell present anything in carry over purport – in non direct mode, we shell stand opened quatation mark, and we shell must to stand closed quatation mark.
Abzac in technical is String. There are string`s continue and perfect.
   Now we have operator of aliace, way and time. Restrition with quotation marks text is aliace. Text without quotation marks is way. Number with comma after is time. First time in pair at end of string is start of perfect. Second time in pair at end of string is finish of perfect. Time from string`s begin is start of continious.

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